Jumat, 21 Maret 2014

V. + (어/아)도 돼요? => "Is it all right if/to . . . ?," "Is it okay if/to . . . ?"

V. + (어/아)도 돼요?
=> "Is it all right if/to . . . ?," "Is it okay if/to . . . ?"
This construction asks for permission in an informal and casual way. 

  • 한국말로 물어도 돼요?
    => May I ask you in Korean?
    네, 물어 보세요.
    => Yes, go ahead.
  • 지금 집에 가도 돼요?
    => May I go home now?
    가도 돼요.
    => Yes, you may.
    아니오, 가면 안 돼요.
    => No, you may not.
  • 숙제를 내일까지 내도 돼요?
    => Is it okay to turn in my homework tomorrow?
    네, 괜찮아요./네, 좋아요.
    => Yes, it's okay.
  • 보고서를 연필로 써도 돼요?
    => May I write my report with a pencil?
    연필로 쓰면 안 돼요.
    => You may not write with a pencil.
    펜으로 써야 돼요.
    => You have to write in ink.
Notice the differences in the positive and negative answers:
  • -(어/아)도 돼요?
    => "Is it all right to . . . ?"
  • 네, . . . -(어/아)도 돼요.
    => "Yes, it's all right . . ."
  • 네, -(어/아)도 괜찮아요/좋아요.
    => "Yes, it is fine."
  • 아니오, . . . -(으)면 안 돼요.
    => "No, (one) must not . . . ," "it should not . . . ,"

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