Jumat, 21 Maret 2014

Expressions for "any" or "every"

Expressions for "any" or "every"

a.  아무 N. + (이)나

=> "any N."

b.  아무/누구/무엇/어디/언제 + (이)나

=> "anyone," "everyone," "anything," "any place/everywhere," "any time"
When a noun is preceded by 아무 and followed by -(이)나, it means "any," as in 아무 책이나 "any book," or 아무 지도나 "any map." When the particle -(이)나 is attached to a question word 아무, 누구, 무엇, 어디, or 언제, it becomes like a pronoun: 아무나 "anyone," 누구나 "everyone," 무엇이나 "anything/everything," 어디나 "anyplace/anywhere," or 언제나 "any time/whenever." (For more on "any" or "every," 

  • 방학동안에 아무 일이나 하겠어요.
    => During vacation, I'll do any kind of work.
  • 어떤 색깔 셔츠를 드릴까요?
    => What color shirt would you like?
    아무 거나 주세요.
    => Please give me any color.
  • 무슨 영화 볼래?
    => What do you want to see?
    아무 영화나 볼래.
    => I'll watch any movie.
  • 누구나 시를 쓸 수 있다.
    => Anyone can write a poem.
  • 미국은 무엇이나 발달됐다.
    => In the United States, everything is developed
  • 봄에는 어디나 꽃이 핀다.
    => In the spring, flowers bloom everywhere.
  • 언제나 바다에 가면 배들을 볼 수 있다.
    => Whenever you go to the ocean, you can always see boats.

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