Jumat, 21 Maret 2014

More on indirect speech types : command, question, and "let's"

  More on indirect speech types
command, question, and "let's"

Indirect Commands 
A.V. + (으)라고 하다
=> "(they) tell/ask/order to do . . ."
A.V. + 지 말라고 하다 
=> "(they) tell/ask/order not to . . ."
An indirect command is one in which the speaker is reporting a directive that is being given by someone else.

  • 이리 오라고 한다.
    => (He) tells (us) to come here.
  • 이 책을 읽으라고 했어요.
    => (He) told (me) to read this book.
  • 여기로 오라고 해서 왔어요.
    => I was told to come here, so I came. 
  • 박 과장님을 찾으라고 했어요.
    => I was told to find Manager Park.
  • 학교 컴퓨터를 사용하지 말라고 해요.
    => (He) tells me not to use the school computer. 
  • 두 사람을 비교하지 말랬어요.
    => (He) told me not to compare the two people with each other.
When an indirect command ends in -(어/아) 주다, (드리다 for honorific), or -(어/아) 달라다, the speaker must consider who is commanding whom and the relationships among the speaker, the addressee, and the person spoken of, as in the following context:
  • (선생님이 나에게) 동생에게 책을 읽어 주라고 하셨어요.
    => (My teacher told me) to read books to my younger brother.
  • (선생님이 나에게) 어머니한테 전화 걸어 드리라고 하세요.
    => My teacher tells (me) to call my mother.
  • 선생님께서 로사에게 내일 전화를 걸어 달라고 하셨어.
    => Her teacher asked Rosa to call her  tomorrow.
  • 아들이 아버지에게 컴퓨터를 사 달라고 했어.
    => The son asked his father to buy him a computer. 

Indirect Questions 
D.V. + (으)냐고 하다 
A.V. + (느)냐고 하다 
N. + (이)냐고 하다
=> "(Someone) asks whether/if . . ."
Indirect questions are ones in which the speaker is reporting a question that is being asked by another individual. -(으)냐고 하다 is used after descriptive verbs, and -(느)냐고 하다 is used after action verbs. 으 and 느 may be dropped for some verbs. For example, one may say 길이 좁냐고 한다 or 길이 좁으냐고 한다 "(Someone) asks if the road is narrow," and 지금 눈이 오냐고 한다 or 지금 눈이 오느냐고 한다 "(Someone) asks whether it's snowing now." 

  • 방이 넓으냐고 해요.
    => (He) asks if the room is spacious.
  • 언제 오냐고 해요.
    => (He) asks (me) when I will come.
  • 언제 밥을 먹(느)냐고 했어요.
    => (He) asked when we are eating.
  • 내일이 초하루냐고 했어요.
    => (He) asked whether tomorrow is the first of the month.
  • 어제가 그믐이었냐고 했어요.
    => (He) asked whether yesterday was the end of the month.
  • 학교가 클 거냐고 해요.
    => (He) asks whether the school is going to be large.
  • 언제 올 거냐고 해요.
    => (He) asks (me) when I will come.

Indirect "let's"
A.V. + 자고 하다
=> "(they) say, let's . . ." 
This construction is used only with an action verb. There are no tense changes.

  • 영화 보러 가자고 한다.
    => (She) says, let's go to see a movie.

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