Kamis, 28 April 2016

-다고/-라고 그래(요) => "it's said (so)," “it is called . . ."

This sentence ending is a colloquial expression similar to the indirect speech forms -고 해(요) and -래(요). 

  • 부산에 산다고 안 그랬니?
    => Didn't you say you live in Pusan?
  • 저 건물 이름이 뭐니?
    => What's the name of that building?
  • 독립 기념관이라고 그래.
    => They say it's Independence Hall. 

* -고 그래(요) is not to be confused with 그래(요), which has various meanings depending on the context, as shown in these examples: 
  • 요즘 방학이니?
    => Are you vacation now? 
  • 그래.
    => Yeah.
  • 내일 모임에 나올래요?
    => Will you come to the meeting tomorrow?
  • 그래요.
    => Yes, I will.
  • 요즘 물건값이 너무 비싸요.
    => The prices are too expensive these days.
  • 그래요.
    => You are right./I agree.

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