Rabu, 19 Maret 2014





Adjective/Verb + (으)ㅁ
  1. This turns the adjective or verb into a noun.
  2. Turns a sentence or clause into a noun group


  • When used to make individual nouns, not every adjective and verb can be used, especially ones that originated from hanja since those usually have a noun form on their own.

Conjugation Rule

Conjugation Rule
Pattern Case Example
Rule 1: A/V + ㅁ If there is no 받침 or if the adj/verb stem ends with a ㄹ 받침 아프다 → 아픔
Rule 2: A/V + 음 If there is a 받침 at the end of the adj/verb stem 죽다 → 죽음

Common Words

Some common nouns that are made using A/V + (으)ㅁ.
Adjective/Verb Noun Meaning
기쁘다 기쁨 Delight, happiness
꾸다 A dream
단단하다 단단함 Hardness, firmness
돕다1 도움 Help
싸우다 싸움 Fight
아프다 아픔 Pain, agony
자다 Sleep
죽다 죽음 Death
추다 A dance
찌다 Steam
아쉽다1 아쉬움 Unfortunateness
모이다 모임 Meeting, gathering
느끼다 느낌 A feeling
알리다 알림 A notice
웃다 웃음 Laughter
얼다 (to freeze) 얼음 Ice
그립다1 그리움 A longing
걷다2 걸음 A step
졸다 졸음 drowsiness
젊다 젊음 youth
슬프다 (to be sad) 슬픔 Sadness
아프다 (to be sick or in pain) 아픔 Pain
  1. This is an irregular verb, see irregular ㅂ verbs
  2. This is an irregular verb, see irregular ㄷ verbs

Sentence Examples

Korean English Notes
아픔과 슬픔을 같이 나눕시다. Let's share both pain and sorrow with each other. Polite informal form
어려움 뒤에는 기쁨이 와요. Joy will come after difficulties. Polite informal form
그 사람은 외국으로 떠났음이 분명해요. It's clear that he has gone abroad. Polite informal form
그 범인은 죄가 없음을 주장했습니다. The criminal claimed his innocence. Formal declarative
사람들은 모두 죽음을 두려워합니다. All of us are afraid of death. Formal declarative

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